If I Could Die Again I Would Want to Live It With You

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

10 Life Quotes That (If Applied) Volition Modify the Manner Y'all See The Globe Forever

Why practise nosotros beloved life quotes so much?

I think I accept the answer. Life quotes have a way of piercing through the b.s. and noise surrounding us. Life quotes are the swords that cutting the Gordian knots of racket and reveal the essence of life we know deep down but tend to forget.

I'k a author, which means I dearest quotes. But I besides empathise how simultaneously insightful and useless they tin be. You can do 1 of two things with a quote — use it equally inspirational fluff to postal service on Instagram or use the insight to change your life. The wisdom of quotes is extremely powerful when applied.

I've collected quotes I come dorsum to time and fourth dimension again when my life isn't aligned, I need a reminder, or simply want to reflect on the beauty of life itself.

I could easily look upward some quotes and slap them into a blog post. Instead, I'yard only going to utilise quotes I can remember from memory, talk about how I've used them in my life, and provide ways for you lot to do the same.

The Triviality Trap

"We're all going to die, all of u.s., what a circus! That lone should make u.s.a. beloved each other just it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing." — Charles Bukowski

Large challenges don't trip us up. Niggling petty annoyances cumulatively throw our lives off-residual. Office politics at work, your commute, errands, meaningless news, gossip, tiny bouts of envy, social media, so information technology goes. Think of how much fourth dimension you spend on meaningful activities vs. the amount of time yous spent letting life'south trivialities swallow yous whole.

You know what I love nearly near writing? I get to escape the noise. When I enter that menses state, I get to retreat from the anarchy of life and practice something that (to me at to the lowest degree) means something. I build my life effectually the ethos of increasing my meaningful time and decreasing the trivialities I have to bargain with.

Life isn't ever overtly tragic. Sometimes information technology's tragic but because you waste it and don't realize that until information technology'south way as well late.

Which reminds me…

Opposite This Equation

"Y'all are mortal in everything yous fearfulness and immortal in everything you desire" — Seneca

You lot retrieve yous take time. You don't. You're afraid of death, yet you act like you have unlimited time to live. Humans are weird. We tend to reverse the useful truth to suit our egos. The useful truth I live by is the reverse of Seneca's quote.

I often detect myself working like I'll die tomorrow. This actually causes me to fear death less. I'm guessing that within a few years I'll reach the point where I'd be okay if I died. Give me a few more books, milestones, moments of meaning, and memories with people I dear. I'll be good.

Granted, I don't desire to die. Merely you fear death less the more fully you live in the present. Seneca also says "Life is long if you know how to use it." I practise what I love almost every day. Fourth dimension feels like "firm coin" after I've done that.

In your instance, why not opposite the mortality equation? Why non live like you lot'll dice tomorrow? Because you lot're afraid.

It'south useless to exist afraid of death because you can't control when it happens. But y'all can control how you use your time right at present.

Don't Sit on the Sidelines, Do This Instead

"If you encounter fraud and do non say fraud, yous are a fraud." Nassim Taleb

I spent a great deal of time talking nigh all the b.s. club feeds us. You've been conditioned and trained to feel helpless. Societies sally to stifle the mobility of individuals out of necessity and people fall for information technology every solar day.

They believe the news, which is about 99 percent propaganda. They blindly follow the condition quo. We collectively allow these institutions to arbitrarily dissever the states even though we all more or less want the aforementioned things from life — love, family, joy, meaningful work, simple.

More and more, I'grand trying to remove the fluff from my writing and talk straight. My new volume and my recent writing accept been centered around the idea that almost of the behavior you're fed are accented nonsense and that individual responsibility isn't an ideal to live upwards to, but your only choice, because the people y'all're hoping will salve you are fraudulent. 100 percentage of them.

Speaking of fraudulent societal notions…

Never, Ever, Ever Let This Happen To Yous

"Remember this. The world wants to assign you a role. And once yous accept that role, you lot're doomed." Robert Greene

Have yous accepted the role society gave you? Are you gratuitous? Do you know how to call back for yourself and make your ain decisions? Be honest. No one else is around.

I love the show Weeds. And the theme song for the bear witness perfectly encapsulates the mentality we fall prey to:

And the people in the houses
All went to the academy,
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and lawyers,
And business organisation executives,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look only the aforementioned.

(Written by Malvina Reynolds)

Is this actually the American dream? A petty box on the hillside? Is this what you're working so hard for? Consider trading your life purpose to keep up with the Jones's, watch Netflix at night, have 2 days a week to f*** off, and a few weeks of vacation to cope with information technology all.

I know my road isn't for everybody. And I'm also certain some people are happy living in little boxes. A lot of people aren't, though. They want to break out only they don't know how. Are you one of these people? I've written multiple books about the process, but the brusk answer is to realize that you've basically been conditioned to have these beliefs and the effort to unlearn them can exist just as rigorous equally the conditioning itself.

Get to work.

Seriously…You lot Actually Practice This?

"Y'all want the praise of people who kicking themselves every 15 minutes. The praise of people who despise themselves?" — Marcus Aurelius

I honey thinking this one through because when you practice, information technology makes you realize how absurd it is to intendance what other people call up.

Think nearly how preoccupied with yourself you lot are. Extremely.

You put yourself at the center of the universe constantly. You wrestle with your inner critic and doubt yourself, constantly. Not a mean solar day (maybe not even an hour) goes past where something doesn't remind you of your inadequacy. Sometimes y'all can be straight up neurotic.

Everybody is similar this, nonetheless somehow we imagine everyone else to be secure and confident people judging united states from their ivory towers.

Nobody knows what the hell nosotros're doing. Equally the infamous Kanye W said, "We're all self-conscious I'grand only the first to acknowledge it."

When I get a negative comment on i of my weblog posts I remember the person leaving that comment as an insecure homo being. Non insecure considering they're leaving the comment, simply insecure every bit a default state of being.

Substantially, I constantly remind myself of the inner workings of other people's minds to mitigate the fear of embarrassment, criticism, rejection and and then on. Office of playing the game of life is realizing that it is a game. I work hard, but I don't have myself that seriously because…no one else does. Neither should y'all.

The Recipe for Success in 2019 and Beyond

"Following your genuine intellectual curiosity is better than following whatever makes money."

"The internet has massively broadened the space of possible careers. Most people don't understand this." — Naval Ravikant

I get paid a full time living to talk about things I'm interested in. Information technology's wild. Non only is information technology wild, but it would've been ten times harder for me to do so just a decade ago.

This ties into the quotes to a higher place about society trying to teach y'all to be helpless. It's really difficult to take an excuse for your career failings in 2019. It just is.

You can publish a book on Amazon, take classes from Yale and Harvard for costless, commencement a Youtube channel and go a millionaire before you hitting puberty, larn to code for no upfront fee at places like Lambda Schoolhouse, create an e-commerce business for basically zero coin, freelance, I actually could proceed and on.

The net is badly begging yous to level upward, but you won't. Why? Because you're stuck in a mental prison built on the industrial and corporatist mental model. Those institutions are dead, totally. They just don't know it yet.

Are you going to be on the right side of history? Information technology depends…

Are Y'all Ready to Sympathise the World?

"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That organisation is our enemy. Only when you're within, you look effectually, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You accept to understand, nigh of these people are not set to exist unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect information technology." — Morpheus

Non only practice people non desperately want to escape the status quo, but they'll also fight to the death to prop information technology up. I used to try to catechumen these people until I realized some people can't be saved.

I don't take arguments with these people. Instead, I only live my life in the hopes of setting an example for others and talk to the people who are gear up to hear what I have to say.

The devil you know is better than the i you don't. Again, tying into the in a higher place quote nearly trivialities tripping people up. Most people don't suffer dramatic setbacks from facing tough challenges. No, they slowly fall into self-approbation until it's cemented into their personality.

Equally much as some people don't enjoy their circumstances, they're not dissatisfied enough to change.

I've told the story many times about the exact twenty-four hours I decided to modify my life. In the room of my shoddy apartment, during a time where I was hopeless, bankrupt, and completely stuck, I stood up and screamed at the tiptop of my lungs, "I'm not fucking living like this anymore!!!"

I was genuinely fed upwards. I realized that if I was going to alive the type of life I wanted to live, it would have to be on my own terms. It'south that simple.

Does your worldview adapt you? Is it working out for you? How does your model of reality affect your daily life? Are yous content to live in the matrix or practice you want to take the crimson pill?

Information technology won't be comfy. Neo went from his cubicle and apartment to existence common cold, naked, and afraid aboard a ship traversing an apocalyptic aeroplane. Merely he also became the hero.

You can, also.

Turn This Into Fuel

"We've all been raised on television to believe that one twenty-four hours we'd all be millionaires, and flick gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And nosotros're very, very pissed off." — Tyler Durden

You barbarous for the fairy tale claw, line, and sinker. I remember back to when I was in college. Everyone was super excited about the time to come. Lodge paved the route they'd glide on with grace.

The ages of 22–25 are where you come across the last vestiges of promise and excitement for about 90 percent of people. The fork in the road splits. Many cull a road that begins to slowly piss them off. A few accept the route less traveled. Which 1 have y'all taken?

Expect, the point of this isn't to assail anyone. I'chiliad but asking yous, personally, honestly, bluntly, if you're pissed off about the fashion your life has turned out. Do you experience lied to, duped, hoodwinked? If you exercise experience that mode, good.

Utilize it. Positive emotions are overrated. The bulk of my motivation came from discontent.

Perchance you won't be a movie god or a rockstar, but I bet yous can do a hell of a lot more than what you lot're doing right now. I also bet you believe the aforementioned.

Don't Be Insane

"Madness is rare in individuals, but in groups, states, and societies, it's the norm." — Friedrich Neitzche

I feel a little flake bad for people who are defenseless up in this mass hysteria based on a war between two arbitrarily divided and eerily similar political parties (cheque out this commodity about people who pretend to hate each other on T.5. all partying in the Hamptons together), but it'southward interesting to watch.

Human being beings are tribal animals. We've evolved grouping cohesion strategies to survive. Social media companies, the news, and the shrewd civilisation war generals know this and utilise it to cause groupthink on steroids.

Let me ask you, why practice you care about "your squad" so much? What does your squad do for you exactly? No, actually, I'd like to know.

This thinking ties in with this quote from Marker Twain:

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

Practice you remember for yourself or have you been indoctrinated to think a certain way?

Hither'south an easy tell. If you tell me your stance on a hot-button event, say, gun control, and I can correctly estimate every single 1 of your opinions on all the other hot-button issues, you're not a disquisitional thinker. You lot're a mascot.

Thinking for yourself is hard and uncomfortable because you lot subject yourself to breach. But which would you rather be? Alone and free? Or singing kumbaya with the fellow members of your insane ideological cult?

The choice is yours.

Run Your Ain Race

"If y'all estimate a fish past its power to climb a tree, it will think it's stupid." Albert Einstein

Let me lighten upwards the tone here a niggling bit. Without knowing you, I genuinely remember you're capable of doing something great with your life. What that something is? I don't know. Many factors come into play — your strengths, your circumstances, your current career, your conventionalities systems, and so information technology goes.

You could say that some people are genuinely dealt a shit paw. And you'd exist correct. I honestly don't know what to practice for those people and can admit that. But for near of u.s.a. — the working to middle-class folks who maybe just made the wrong decisions — it's possible to construct a life that aligns with who you really are. Not the "you" society wants y'all to be. Not the "y'all" that does things y'all hate in exchange for, well, naught truly valuable.

Y'all can marshal your life with the "you" that you once knew. The one that was excited and curious about life. The one that loved to write, paint, crack jokes, make paper airplanes, do math problems for fun (yes, these people exist), pretend to be a broadcaster on Sunday afternoons, whatever.

You have a skill, a talent, a perfectly suited spot for you in this universe. Finding it and doubling down on information technology for the rest of your life is pretty much the only success tip you need.


Source: https://psiloveyou.xyz/10-life-quotes-that-if-applied-will-change-the-way-you-see-the-world-forever-d05338ae489b

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